Sunday, February 9, 2014

Belated January Favorites

Although it has been more than a week since January has been over, I thought I'd get my January Favorites posted today. I mean, it's better late than never. January has cruised right on by, and I feel like I haven't done anything productive the last month. Sobs.

From left to right: black Chelsea boots from Ebay, mint Doc Martens, patent nude oxfords from Korea, sweater from Loft, 
Marc Jacobs sunnies, black cat-eye sunnies from Topshop, circle sunnies from Venice Beach, tapestry shorts from Topshop.

California had the most peculiar weather ever during January. I honestly felt as if I was eternally stuck in the springtime since temperatures rarely dropped below the 70s. Because of the weather I've resorted to wearing an odd combination of thick sweaters and shorts throughout the whole month. Needless to say, I enjoyed meshing my two favorite clothing items during the whole month: shorts and knitted sweaters.

Two books I've read this month are Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys and The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Wide Sargasso Sea is essentially a prequel to the vastly popular Charlote Bronte novel, Jane Eyre. The story revolves around Mr. Rochester's crazy wife in Jane Eyre and tells the back story between the two ex-lovers. The Happiness Project was another book I picked up during January. The book focuses on the author's adventure on her quest for happiness. Since I don't want to spoil the story, I won't say much more about the two books.

If you want to check out my favorite tracks for January please click on the playlist above to give it a listen! Comments are much appreciated and suggestions are always welcomed. Hope everyone had a great January!


  1. Love the post!

  2. Gosh! I love the shoes especially the DMs.
    Love your fashion :)


  3. I remember reading Wide Sargasso Sea for my English GCSE! Love the mint Doc Martins!
