I originally had this idea of recap-ing my favorite shows and moments that happened as Fashion Week was going on but wasn't able to get it into action due to an unexpected plethora of work that left me little time to blog. However, I thought this was just too fun of an idea to pass up on so I decided to report my favorite happenings in Fashion Week even if it may be a tad bit late. So let's kick off this mini-series with my personal favorite aspect of Fashion Week: street style. Just out of curiosity, which city's street style game was your favorite?
Great photo selection! congrats!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked
not even going to lie... street style has got to be my favourite thing about fashion week! how great was alexa chung's holographic coat!?
Same! I love street style in it itself and looking at all these fashion people during fashion week makes me happy. Haha. Ikr? I also love Ming Xi's baseball getup as well :)
Deletelove most of these styles, wish I had the figure to pull them off!